Admission Process

MIAS is secular in outlook and welcomes students from all castes, creeds, religions, and linguistic backgrounds to be a part of the Montfort Fraternity. The institute selects students who are eligible for higher education through a well-administered mechanism that complies with the educational norms of the University. The admission is based on an entrance test and interview conducted by the admission committee, the marks secured in the qualifying examinations as well as the experience and aptitude of the candidate for a helping profession.

Eligibility Criteria and Process

The completed application along with supporting documents may be submitted on all working days at the Office of Admissions in person or could be sent through Registered Post or Courier service to:

Montfort Institute of Advanced Studies,
Old Madras Road, Indiranagar P O.,
Bangalore 560038.

The following enclosures need to be submitted along with the duly filled-in application forms.-

  1. Marks List/Transcript of (a) X Class (b) Class XII (c) Graduation mark sheets of all semesters/years.
  2. Birth Certificate or an examination certificate showing the date of birth
  3. Medical Fitness Certificate from a competent medical practitioner
  4. Statement of Purpose
  5. Two recommendation letters* (original as per the format) which should reach the Principal directly, or along with the application in an envelope, sealed and signed. Of the two, one from the HOD of the institute last attended is preferable. Family members or relatives cannot give recommendation letters. *For Religious Heads/Priests: Recommendation Letter from the Provincial/Bishop.


Registration fee: ₹ 750 for Indian Nationals & Citizens of other SAARC Countries; US $ 35 for other foreign nationals

Mode of payment: Bank Transfer / UPI 

Bank details:
Name of the Account :- Montfort Institute of Advanced Studies
Account No :- 0399053000015131,
IFCS – SIBL0000399,
Indiranagar, Bangalore.

Admission Process