Diana Manoshi

Assistant Professor

Diana Manoshi is a consulting psychologist, ventures in private practise and works as an assistant professor at Montfort college, teaching educational counselling to post graduate students. She is currently a PhD scholar in psychology, continuing her research in the field of menstruation. She holds a MPhil, MSc degree in psychology. A certified CTRTC practitioner from William Glasser institute, internationally certified Biography Consultant, trained Neuro linguistic basic and advanced practitioner. Holds various nano degrees in healing approaches such as Gestalt, Psychodrama and Transactional Analysis.

She possesses a rich 12-year work experience in several school and corporate counselling. Has conducted numerous workshops and consulted for projects with National institute for public co-operation and child development, Government of India.

She likes to invest herself in learning indigenous healing methods, transpersonal psychology, martial arts, and yoga.<.div>